Local Albany Magician

Local Albany Magician performs at the Saturday Farmer’s Market.

At the Albany’s Farmers Market, a man in a bright red blazer attracts the attention of both young and old with a magical performance. Here, Steve Peterson (75) has devoted his life to spreading the awe of magic.

Peterson grew up “everywhere,” being in a military family. Peterson’s father was in the Navy–as such, his family often moved around the country to wherever he was stationed. When Peterson was 14, he found himself outside of San Francisco, California; where Edwin “Brush the Great” Brush deeply impacted Peterson’s life with performing the illusions of magic. After Brush’s show, Peterson was fascinated with magic for life.

After his encounter with Brush, Peterson himself did not pursue magic for 30 years. Afterwards, he began to personally learn magic until he became a full time professional performer. Today, Peterson specializes in performing for children’s parties. The largest group Peterson entertained was 53 children for 50 minutes.

Peterson says what he enjoys most about magic is seeing the reactions on people’s faces, especially watching children’s jaws drop in complete awe.

After Peterson’s Saturday performances at the Farmers Market, he goes to the Albany Public Library on 14th street where he hosts Magic Club from 1-3pm. The club is open for all ages, and anybody who is interested in learning the art is welcome to attend.

Peterson runs the club with fellow magician Roy (53). Roy and Peterson are friends who share magic tricks, improving and building upon each others ideas. These tricks range from cards, teleportation, optical illusions, and even puppets for the younger audience.

Both Roy and Peterson agree that there is a deep and innate science behind magic. Both of the magicians have explored education in magic and use science to build their magic experiments.

Steve Peterson and Roy encourage anyone interested to visit the Magic Club at the Albany Public Library starting at 1:00pm in the conference room.


Minor Miracles Magic

Steve Peterson



[email protected]