Parents, students, and teachers gathered in the auxiliary gym on May 25 during lunch to celebrate and watch eight senior athletes sign letters of intent to their committed colleges. Each senior had a table decorated with their college colors and merchandise. Coaches included girls lacrosse coach Isidro Peña, cheerleading coach Morgan Wadlow, wrestling coach Bryan Barker, and former soccer coach Erik Ihde each said a few kind words about their athletes. At the end, all together, the athletes signed letters of intent and signed off to their college. Parents and friends then took the floor to congratulate their seniors.

- Grace Peña will be attending Oregon State University to play for their women’s lacrosse team.
- Avery Dodd will be going to the University of Oregon for acro and tumbling.
- Clair Fief will be joining Grand Canyon University’s cheerleading team.
- Ariana Martinez will be continuing her wrestling career at Life University.
- Maya D’Alessio will be joining the Oregon Tech women’s soccer team.
- Noah Reese will be playing on the Willamette University football team.
- DeMarcus Houston will be attending Portland State to play football
- Nick Anderson will be playing golf at Southwestern Community College