Have you ever put in some earbuds or headphones during silent work time, and then instantly get told “Take them off.” Many students have experienced this to an extent, but is this rule even really as important as the school makes it seem?
It is pretty common for people to work with music, podcast, a movie or even a show playing as background noise. It’s an easy way to block out everything except the work and the audio you’re listening to. This audio helps make the noise and distractions of the outside world disappear.
This would seem perfect for getting work done at school. Students can ignore distractions around them, and focus more on their work. All while listening to something they enjoy. However, because of a few students who put on their earbuds and just stop paying attention to everything, music has been ruined for those who do pay attention.
But maybe there’s more to this rule than we think, which is why I have asked Juvenile Patrol officer Kyle Kinion to get some insight on why these rules are how they are.
In a nutshell, the main issue is safety. If the fire alarm goes off while you’re in the bathroom with earbuds, you won’t be able to hear it, or if a staff member is trying to get your attention in the halls, you won’t be able to hear them. Basically, it can be unsafe to wear them in certain places and times, but this shouldn’t outweigh the pros of studying or working with music.
Maybe there should be a compromise with earbuds: possibly wearing only one earbud, only allowing headphones so they are visible to staff, or having a volume limit with one earbud.