After being at West Albany High School for four years, the class of 2024 have had lots of opportunities to meet people. With so many students coming to WAHS every year, roughly 300, a senior gets hundreds of chances to meet someone in their high school career that might have an impact on them.
Senior Hunter Whitted is a student who has been impacted by WAHS staff “[Art teacher Erin] Wallace [has] inspired me a lot [since] my junior year. With her being here, jewelry making has really changed. Because I’m a senior this year and I want to continue doing jewelry making because it’s fallen [into] my heart” said Whitted.
Senior Jacob Sutherland has felt impacted by staff members as well, “I had [Michelle] Balmeo last year when I was a junior [for] American Studies.”said Sutherland, “She had a closed, nice environment. There are always students asking her things. You [can] come up to her with any question [and] she [doesn’t] make you feel awkward about it. It was really comfortable.”