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Falling into Routine: Reflection on the new school year

Falling into Routine: Reflection on the new school year

As the season slowly changes from hot, sunny days of summer into the cool, rainy days of autumn, many activities, traditions, and events start up around Albany. The colors of leaves change from shades of emerald to splashes of reds, yellows, browns, and oranges as they begin littering the forests and streets, and Albany transforms as it prepares for the new season.

      Pumpkin patches and corn mazes open their gates to the excited public, while coffee shops and restaurants add new fall flavors to their menus. Warm clothing and accessories begin to appear in shop windows, before cloudy days and rain inspire people to begin stocking up on these cozy items. Friends and family begin to discuss what they will be doing for Halloween, Día de los Muertos, Thanksgiving, Mid-Autumn Festival, Diwali, and more, everyone buzzing with the prospect of events and traditions.

      As summer comes to a final close, one of the most notable events occurs: the start of the school year.  As students, the beginning of a new school year is extremely important. It signifies the end of our summers of ‘freedom’, now having to focus  on our education once again. New responsibilities and commitments reappear during this time, causing our schedules to become busy with different activities and rigorous academics that we were free from for the last three months.

      The beginning of the school year impacts nearly everyone in town, from the parents who have returning students, to people who find themselves having to readjust to the 20mph school zone. Teachers and staff are back to working within the hours of the school day, along with employers adapting to the absence of teenagers filling their minimum wage job positions.

      As the whole town falls into the groove of autumn, there is so much to explore. This is why we decided to have a feature all about fall, with stories like ‘Hauntingly Hip’ and ‘Strong and Supportive’ to speak with different people at West about their personal experiences during this lush season of change.

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