Discipline in schools has been a controversial topic for decades but the recent Greater Albany Public Schools teacher strike has brought it, and student behavior in general, to the forefront of community discussion.
Corporal Punishment laws in schools differ per state. Five states have unspecified laws on corporal punishment [yellow], seven allow it [pink], 11 leave it to local communities to decide [blue], and 27 do not allow it [green].
According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, students who were suspended in their school career were observed 12 years later. They found that these students were 30% more likely to be arrested once [blue], 51% more likely to be arrested two or more times [pink], 23% more likely to go to prison [yellow], and 49% more likely to have been on probation than students who did not receive suspensions.
Ingraham v. Wright (1977) – Corporal punishment in school
A court case in the 70s argued if the 8th Amendment, cruel and unusual punishments, could be applied to corporal punishment in schools. The case came to the conclusion that the 8th Amendment did not apply to corporal punishment, which is why there are still states today that allow corporal punishment in schools.
Zero Tolerance policies require schools to suspend or expel students for violating specific rules, no matter what the exact or odd circumstances there might be. As public opinion shifts, replacing Zero Tolerance policies are Restorative Practices, which are designed to build a strong sense of community in schools, to teach social skills, to repair harm when conflict occurs, and to proactively meet students’ needs.