“Especially in the United States, we lack what is called a third space…the library as a third space is something I really believe in,” said with a smile by Christine Troetschel, the teen librarian at the Albany Public Library. Libraries are known to just be a place filled with books, somewhere to be at you have to read a book, but the library has grown to be more than books.
The Albany Public Library has many books of all genres to read that represent all different groups, communities, and minorities, but they also have a “Library of Things.” As in the name, this extension has many different things that you can check out and use. Troetschel mentions that the Library of Things has stuff like a “mini Nintendo, board games, cake pans, a pressure washer, and a telescope.” The Albany Public Library has other resources available to the public, like movie nights, the summer reading program, and clubs. Troetchel comes to West Albany High School’s library and does crafts for the cozy craft club every month.
West Albany’s school librarian Jean Gritter, who has been working at West Albany for 21 years, also has continued to host clubs at the library and finds strength in the diversity in books. “We try and think of many ways to make sure people feel safe…that’s the goal,” said Gritter. West Albany’s library holds club meetings and art shows from the art classes WAHS has. Gritter loves finding new books and activities to bring to the library. “I really enjoy finding resources and ways to support everybody, said Gritter
The library isn’t a place just filled with books; it’s a place to find community, friends, a quiet place, and support programs. Freshman Regulus Martinez volunteers on the teen advisory board at the Albany Public Library. Martinez often goes to the library to do crafts and hang out with friends, sharing how “It’s a really good way to get out of our house, without feeling like you have to talk to a lot of people,”
The Albany Public Library is a place to help students but also welcomes all kinds of non-students. The library kindly opens its doors library is kind to the houseless and people in need, and provides them with the aforementioned resources and more.
The library could be a place full of even more smiles and a stronger community if more people simply knew of all the tools and support it provides.