Blast From The Past: WAHS Alumni Musical Review

The Musical Review being put on by West Albany is bringing past drama students back into West.

West Albany has put on spring musicals since 2004. These performances have always been above and beyond the normal high school theater production standards, and the newest performance, “Anastasia,” was no exception. 

     This summer  the theater department has invited several cast members from each past musical to perform one song in the APAC. The event is happening on July 30 at 7 p.m. The event, a fundraiser for the Albany theater program, is currently in the works. The profit from this event, and all of the fundraisers after the program starts, goes directly back to the APAC and the school district. 

     The goal of the event is to fund an Albany summer community theater program, so that theater isn’t just done at West Albany, but is brought to the larger community. The summer theater program would be an opportunity for kids and adults to get theater experience. This plan has been in the works for a while, and was proposed by former West Albany parent Diane Allen and West’s Drama and Choir teacher Cate Caffarella. While this event is a fundraiser, it is also just a chance to enjoy the West Albany drama community and to get to know our alumni and Drama Program.