As younger generations continue to embrace digital communication and technology, ChatGPT has emerged as a versatile tool integrated into various aspects of society. Its adoption among the youth is driven by a growing comfort with online interactions and an increasing reliance on digital platforms for information and assistance. ChatGPT serves as a valuable resource for students seeking help with homework, professionals seeking quick information, and individuals engaging in casual conversation. Its ability to understand and generate human-like text makes it an accessible and user-friendly tool for those who have grown up in the era of instant messaging and virtual communication.
ChatGPT wrote that paragraph about itself. Could you tell? The AI was quick and efficient in writing with clear communication, no grammatical or spelling mistakes and structured. No awkward phrases or blocky sentences but fluid writing that uses diction and is not too complex or too simple. With writing that has that much grammatical fluency, would it be worth an A.
Teachers need to start teaching how to use AI effectively now, so it ingrains how to use it as a tool in an ethical way and see it for the potential it has instead of using it as a way to cheat. Teachers have been using ChatGPT as a way to generate prompts, check for fluency, and get input during writer’s block. There is a point where using AI in essays and other writing works is considered plagiarism, but how will students find that line without the opportunity to practice under the watch of their teachers?
At the start of the second semester, ChatGPT will officially be unrestricted by the district as a test to see how teachers and students use it. AI writing tools such as ChatGPT have been used before on different devices, commonly used to cheat and plagiarize, but as librarian Jean Gritter states, “[AI is] not meant to produce a product.” The goal of opening up AI is to let the students learn to use it as a tool to help with writing blocks and conjure prompts, with the guidance of teachers. As it is getting more advanced and will continue to get better at replicating human emotions in writing, teachers hope that by starting to teach with AI while it’s in its starting stages. It can enforce the ethical responsibility that comes having a new view of writing open.
Though AI is being abused by some to cheat and write essays, it can be used to help. AI can be used to conjure prompts and go more in depth into a subject when having a writer’s block, and help create mnemonics for studying which have been proven to help. When used correctly for the purpose it was created for, it can expand ideas and inspire students. How students use this new technology for its purpose is up to teachers as they also navigate the world of AI, and it is up to students to not take advantage of what they have available to them.