As the season unfolds, hear from our team members about their journey:

Cross Country Captain: Senior Bethany Doggett
WW: How would you summarize the teams progress so far this season?
Doggett: “We definitely have made a lot of progress. Even starting from the beginning, we had people who couldn’t run a mile or didn’t want to, but now, as people get into the season, they really get into it.”
WW: What have been some of the biggest challenges this team has faced and how have you worked together to overcome it?
Doggett: “Probably technicalities, and sort of where we’re located. As a cross country team, we’re supposed to be running on trails, but where we’re located it’s kind of hard to do that. And also, people are getting lots of injuries – which you never know – it could just be from all the pavement running.”
WW: In what ways do you think you’ve grown as a leader this season?
Doggett: “I’d say being more comfortable, like speaking up about what should we be doing.”
WW: How has the dynamic of the team changed from the beginning of the season till now?
Doggett: “It’s always a bit different at the beginning of the season. [When] we get new people, you don’t know them, so it can be a bit awkward at first. As we get on, it feels much more comfortable because everyone knows each other.”
WW: What are some memorable highlights from this season that stood out to you?
Doggett: “We got to do some new races this year, and that was kind of exciting. Bigger races that are farther away and bigger competitions… and some of us got to go to the Nike Portland invitational, which is something we’ve wanted to go to for a while.”
WW: What advice do you have for the Freshman on the team, as they navigate their first season?
Doggett: “I would say to look at the long term goals, and set out a plan for yourself.”
Cross Country Co-Captain: Sophomore Aidric Washko
WW: How would you summarize the teams progress so far this season?
Wasko: “I think our progress has been massive, despite not winning a lot of our meets because we’re a small team.”
WW: What have been some challenges the team has faced and how have you worked together to overcome it?
Washko: “I think just getting injured. A lot of us have developed shin splints. We’ve started doing more stretches and giving people rest.”
WW: In what ways do you think you’ve grown as a leader this season?
Washko: “I wouldn’t give myself too much credit because I’m co-captain, but I try to help out with the younger generation. Especially the Freshman because they’re new to cross country.”
WW: How do you and the captain work together to support your team?
Washko: “We just try to create a positive environment. We try to be funny and encouraging.”
WW: What goals did your team set at the beginning of the year and how close is your team to achieving them?
Washko: “Just to be positive and have fun, and I think we’ve almost gotten there.”
Freshman, Liya Sardar
WW: What was your first impression of the team when you joined? And how have they changed?
Sardar: “I was kind of scared… [My team] seemed a lot faster and older than me. As we went on, I kind of caught up to them, and formed strong relationships with them.”
WW: What have been some significant things you’ve learned this season?
Sardar: “I’ve really learned how to improve my form and things like that.”
WW: How have your teammates helped you to adjust to the team?
Sardar: “They’ve been really nice and welcoming. I never felt left out because they are all nice and welcoming.”
WW: What has been your favorite part of being on a team so far?
Sardar: “Meeting new people and friends. It’s generally hard for me to make friends.”