Jaqueline Kahler’s Caramelized Onion Galette:
What is your favorite recipe? Do you recommend it to others, and why? Kahler’s answer to these questions are:
“My favorite recipe is my caramelized onion galette. I recommend this recipe to others because when I bring it to staff events, it’s a really popular dish, and that’s the only thing they want me to bring.”
How do you make the food? Kahler responded with:
“So first you have to make a pie crust, and then your pie crust should be resting for half an hour, and while that’s happening you have to caramelize some onions which you put it in a satta pan very low heat with sliced onion with some olive oil and a little bit of butter until they start to melt then you turn up the heat to get the carmelized you have to cook them a little longer till their golden brown at times adding water scraping from the bottom add a little salt then you take your crust you roll it out like a pie, and you put the caramelized onions in the interior and you fold the edges of the crust in words then I put parmesan cheese over the edges and bake it flat bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.”
Is the food more of a treat or more of a meal? Is it a healthy food or a snack food?
“It’s more of a treat food, and it’s more of a side dish and a snack food,” Kahler said
Brian McFadden’s Marinade:
What is your favorite recipe? Do you recommend it to others, and why? McFadden responded to the questions with:
“I don’t really cook with Recipes. I normally just add things until they taste good…one thing I come back to is a marinade. I do recommend it to others, but it’s hard to follow.”
How do you make the food? The response from McFadden was:
“Soy sauce-based marinade, then I throw in garlic and green onions and a little sriracha, some ginger sometimes not always, saranna peppers, brown sugar not so much it’s like a teriyaki sauce, a little bit of pepper, a little olive oil, sometimes a little bit of sesame oil, and lime juice.”
Then the last two questions were: Is the food more of a treat or more of a meal? Is it a healthy food or a snack food? And McFadden said:
“I think it depends on how long you marinate it. If you leave it overnight, it gets super salty, which is kinda good, but I wouldn’t call it an everyday okay food.”
Daniel Lake’s Double Chocolate Chip Cookies:
What is your favorite recipe? Do you recommend it to others, and why? Lakes responded to the questions with:
“Double chocolate chip cookies. Yes, because it is a dessert with very large servings.”
How do you make the food? The response from Lake was:
“Mix ingredients together and put the chopped-up chocolate bar in and then bake it.”
The last questions were: Is the food more of a treat or more of a meal? Is it a healthy food or a snack food? And Lake said:
“It’s more of a treat. It’s definitely more of a snack.”