How has early graduation affected teachers and students at West Albany?

Recent Increase of Juniors Working to Graduate Early at West Albany

Graduating from high school early can be a large benefit to students. They finish their stressful days of high school earlier, they get a headstart in college, and can save thousands of dollars on college classes. With the required classes that you have to take at West Albany, it’s much more plausible to do than some might have thought. The only two classes that are required of seniors to take is American Government and an english class, so it is realistic to fit those two classes in with the rest of the required junior credits as long as students have passed all their other classes in prior years.

The amount of juniors who have been trying to graduate early has increased in recent years. Mr. Zimmermann, one of the American Government teachers, helped to explain some of this. He mentioned how the increase of college prices over the years have given more juniors the motivation to graduate, from his perspective. His main complaint with juniors taking his class, is that they’re already full of seniors who have to take the class in order to graduate, so juniors make it even more difficult to get through a semester long curriculum due to the mass amount of required presentations that are already required while taking the class. He also talked about how, at one point, juniors were allowed to take American Government without special permission. However, that was revoked due to classes getting too full, like it’s starting to now.