Personal Column: The Importance of a Dog

Personal Column: The Importance of a Dog

When I was 6 years old, my dad got a Miniature Pinscher puppy. Her name is Karma, and throughout her whole life she has been fairly healthy. She has always been a bit big, but that didn’t stop her from being energetic and running and playing. Karma has been my best friend for almost as long as I can remember, and I’ve grown used to her always being there for me.

     The problem is, I grew so used to her that I began to take her for granted. She was just a fact of life that at times I even found myself annoyed by because of the responsibility involved. At best, she was the friend that wasn’t going anywhere, and at worst, she was a nuisance that I wanted to just leave me alone. Now she’s 11 years old and I’m beginning to realize that there is an expiration date on my closest friendship. 

     According to a study conducted by the American Pet Products Association, 67% of households have a pet. 67% of households are going to go through something much like I am going through now, witnessing your loyal companion become less and less of themselves every day, slowly deteriorating in health and mind. Wishing you held them just a bit longer and just a bit more. A dog that used to run up and jump in my lap now struggles to walk across the living room to go to the bathroom.

     Unfortunately, pets don’t last forever. Sadly, they don’t live as long as many would hope. My lifelong friend doesn’t recognize me sometimes, and watching her struggle leaves a sting in my eyes every time. She lived a life I hope she is happy with, and no matter how many times I have gotten upset at her, I’m always going to remember her fondly. She isn’t gone yet, but I can tell I don’t have much more time to love her. 

     It’s really easy to reflect on the good times after they’re over, but they need to be more valued in the moment. This goes for more than just pets; it goes for family and friends as well. Nobody knows when things will come to an end, and if you really love something you should make it very clear before it’s too late. Don’t let the end be when you begin to truly value anything, because right now, all I can do is make the best out of the time I have left and now I don’t feel like I have enough time.